of Contents
Preface Acknowledgements About
the Editors About
the Authors History,
Limitations of the book; format of the book; use of the book. Index
Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology
A Project of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
Edited by David H. Jonassen
Regardless of your motivation for visiting this site, let me say welcome
to the Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology,
first published in 1996 by Macmillan Publishers. This Handbook was one
of a large series of handbooks that began with the Handbook of Research
on Teaching in the 1970s. Macmillan published many of these handbooks.
For whatever corporate reasons, Macmillan decided a couple of years ago
to no longer publish this handbook series. Because of that decision, handbooks
were not replenished and so the Handbook of Research for Educational Communications
and Technology went out of print. Therefore, copies of it were no longer
available to support graduate seminars and research in the field. That
predicament prompted discussions about how to make the Handbook available.
Another situations prompted discussions about the future of the Handbook.
Published originally in 1996, the Handbook of Research in Educational
Communications and Technology is becoming dated, as happens normally to
any print publication.
A reasonable inference from these facts and conclusions was that a new
edition of the Handbook is needed. As editor of the Handbook, AECT consulted
with me about its future. I have agreed (against my own better judgment)to
continue editorship of the Handbook. We will be introducing some significant
changes in its distribution. The Handbook will be a perquisite of membership
in AECT. That is, any member of AECT will receive the Handbook, not as
a print publication, but online through the AECT website. That will enhance
access to the Handbook and support AECT in the process. Here's how it
will work. The process for distribution and updating has several steps.
- Step one is to scan the Handbook and get a .pdf copy of the chapters
up on the AECT web server to make it immediately available to scholars.
That task has been completed, and you can click on chapters to view
them in Acrobat Reader.
- We are currently converting the files into html files to make the
Handbook more accessible and manipulable. We may also make copies available
on CD-ROM and in print version through Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Those options are currently being negotiated.
- Solicit and complete revisions of the existing chapters, edit them,
and get them up on the server. That is underway and so the second edition
will be available early in 2002.
- Decide what additional chapters are needed to complete our conception
of our ever-expanding field. I am dialoguing with the Research and Theory
Board. I anticipate adding more than a dozen new chapters. I will be
soliciting authors to complete those chapters, edit them, and add them
to the Handbook. I hope that the completely updated second edition will
be available in different formats by mid-year, 2002. Print versions
should be available sometime after that.
Why publish the Handbook on AECT's web server? By making it universally
accessible to AECT members, we can hopefully get more practitioners interested
in research. Electronic publication makes it more readily updatable, so
we don't have to wait seven years between editions. However, to me, the
most exciting reason is the instructional potential of an electronic version.
Students can study the Handbook and the research in our field by building
hypertext front-ends, interfaces, concept maps, databases, or other computational
representations that connect and integrate the information in the Handbook.
The possibilities are endless.
So, I hope that you will find the Handbook even more usable and valuable
than the many researchers and students who have had to lug around the
print version. It should certainly be physically easier to use. Once updated,
it will hopefully be more stimulating and valuable to your research pursuits.
Please communicate any suggestions that you may have about how to make
it more valuable ( Best of luck with your research
David Jonassen, Distinguished Professor
School of Information Science and Learning Technologies
University of Missouri
Macmillan Library Reference USA New York Copyright
© 1996 by Simon & Schuster Macmillan
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the Publisher.
To those who significantly advanced the discourse
in this field, including Edgar Dale, W. W. Charters, Walt Wittich, Charles
Hoban, Jim Finn, Arthur Lumsdaine, Wilbur Schramm, Ole Larsen, James Brown,
Charles Schuller, Bob Gagne, Don Ely, Bob Heinich, Bob Glaser, and many
others too numerous to mention.
Handbook of Research for
Educational Communications and Technology
Edited by David H. Jonassen
I - Foundations for Research in Educational
Communications and Technology
John C. Belland, Ohio State University, Associate Editor
1. |
- Voices of the Founders: Early Discourses
in Educational Technology
- Ann De Vaney,
University of Wisconsin at Madison; Rebecca P. Butler, Eastern
Tennessee State University
2. |
- Behaviorism and Instructional Technology
- John K. Burton,
David M. (Mike) Moore, Susan G. Magliaro,Virginia Polytechnic
[pdf] |
3. |
- Systems Inquiry and Its Application
in Education
- Bela H. Banathy,
International Systems Institute
[pdf] |
4. |
- Learning by Any Other Name: Communication
Research Traditions in Learning and Media
- Kathy A.
Krendl, William H. Ware, Kim A. Reid, Ron Warren, Indiana University
[pdf] |
5. |
- Cognitive Perspectives in Psychology
- William Winn,
Daniel Snyder, University of Washington
[pdf] |
6. |
- Toward a Sociology of Educational
- Stephen T.
Kerr, University of Washington
[pdf] |
7. |
- Constructivism: Implications for the
Design and Delivery of Instruction
- Thomas M.
Duffy, Donald J. Cunningham, Indiana University
[pdf] |
8. |
- Media as Lived Environments: The Ecological
Psychology of Educational Technology
- Brockenbrough
S. Allen, Richard G. Otto, San Diego State University
[pdf] |
9. |
- Critical Theory and Educational Technology
- Randall G.
Nichols, Vanessa Allen-Brown, University of Cincinnati
[pdf] |
10. |
- Postmodern and Poststructuralist Theory
- Andrew R.
J. Yeaman, Westminster, Colorado; Denis Hlynka, University of
Manitoba; Jane H. Anderson, Jacksonville, Oregon; Suzanne K.
Damarin, Ohio State University;Robert Muffoletto, University
of Northern Iowa
[pdf] |
II: Hard Technologies: Media-related Research
Robert B. Kozma, Center for Technology in Learning, Associate
11. |
- Research on Learning from Television
- Barbara Seels,
Louis H. Berry, Karen Fullerton, Laura J. Horn, University of
[pdf] |
12. |
- Research on and Research with Emerging
- Michael J.
Hannafin, University of Georgia; Kathleen M. Hannafin, Medical
College of Georgia; Simon R. Hooper, University of Minnesota;
Lloyd P. Rieber, University of Georgia; Asit S. Kini, Texas
A&M University
[pdf] |
13. |
- Distance Education
- Marina Stock
Micas, Arizona State University; Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena,
University of New Mexico
[pdf] |
14. |
- Computer-Mediated Communication
- Alexander
J. Romiszowski, Syracuse University; Robin Mason, Open University
[pdf] |
15. |
- Virtual Realities
- Hilary McLellan,
McLellan Wyatt Digital
[pdf] |
III: Soft Technologies: Instrucional and
informational Design Research
Robert D. Tension, University of Minnesota, Associate Editor
16. |
- Visual Literacy
- Roberts A.
Brained, California State University at Chico
[pdf] |
17. |
- Educational Games and Simulations:
A Technology in Search of a (Research) Paradigm
- Margaret
E. Greedier, University of South Carolina
[pdf] |
18. |
- Conditions-Based Models for Designing
- Tillman J.
Ragan, Patricia L. Smith, University of Oklahoma
[pdf] |
19. |
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Past,
Present, and Future
- Valerie J.
Shute, Armstrong Laboratory; Joseph Psotka, U.S. Army Research
[pdf] |
20. |
- Cognitive Teaching Models
- Brent G.
Wilson, University of Colorado at Denver; Peggy Cole, Arapahoe
Community College
[pdf] |
21. |
- User-Centered Design of Hypertext/Hypermedia
for Education
- Cliff McKnight,
Loughborough University of Technology; Andrew Dillon, Indiana
University; John Richardson, Loughborough University of Technology
[pdf] |
22. |
- Adaptive Instructional Systems
- Ok-choon
Park, U.S. Army Research Institute
[pdf] |
23. |
- Rich Environments for Active Learning
- R. Scott
Grabinger, University of Colorado at Denver
[pdf] |
24. |
- Learning with Technology: Using Computers
as Cognitive Tools
- David H.
Jonassen, Pennsylvania State University; Thomas C. Reeves, University
of Georgia
[pdf] |
25. |
- Technologies for Information Access
in Library and Information Centers
- Dian Walster,
University of Colorado at Denver
[pdf] |
IV - Instructional Message Design Research
Francis M. Dwyer, Pennsylvania State University, Associate
26. |
- Visual Message Design and Learning:
The Role of Static and Dynamic Illustrations
- Gary J. Angolan,
University of Kentucky; Robert L. Towers, Eastern Kentucky University;
W. Howard Levi, Indiana University
[pdf] |
27. |
- Text Design
- James Harley,
University of Keele
[pdf] |
28. |
- Auditory Presentations and Language
- Steven D.
Tripp, University of Aizu; Warren B. Roby, Washington State
[pdf] |
29. |
- Multiple-Channel Communication: The
Theoretical and Research Foundations of Multimedia
- David M.
(Mike) Moore, John K. Burton, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University; Robert J. Myers, Wheeling Jesuit College
[pdf] |
V - Instructional Strategies Research
Marcy P. Driscoll, Florida State University, Associate
30. |
- Control of Mathemagenic Activities
- Emst Z. Rothkopf,
Columbia University Teachers College
[pdf] |
31. |
- Generative Learning: Past, Present,
and Future
- Barbara L.
Grabowski, Pennsylvania State University
[pdf] |
32. |
- Feedback Research
- Edna Holland
Mory, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
[pdf] |
33. |
- Learner-Control and Instructional
- Michael D.
Williams, Nanyang Technological University
[pdf] |
34. |
- Instructional Technology and Attitude
- Michael Simonson,
Nancy Maushak, Iowa State University
[pdf] |
35. |
- Cooperation and the Use of Technology
- David W.
Johnson, Roger T. Johnson, University of Minnesota
[pdf] |
36. |
- Ergonomics and the Learning Environment
- G. F. McVey,
Boston University
[pdf] |
VI - Issues of Organization and Change in Educaitonal
Communicaitons Technology
Donald P. Ely, Syracuse University, Associate Editor
37. |
- Diffusion and Adoption of Educational
Technology:A Critique of Research Design
- Robert E.
Holloway, Northern Arizona University
[pdf] |
VII - Research Methodologies in Educational
Communications and Technology
Rhonda Robinson, Northern Illinois University, Associate
38. |
- Philosophy, Research, and Education
- J. Randall
Koetting, University of Nevada, Reno
[pdf] |
39 . |
- Experimental Research Methods
- Steven M.
Ross, Gary R. Morrison, University of Memphis
[pdf] |
40. |
- Qualitative Research Issues and Methods:
An Introduction for Educational Technologists
- Wilhelmina
C. Savenye, Arizona State University; Rhonda S. Robinson, Northern
Illinois University
[pdf] |
41. |
- Descriptive Research Methodologies
- Nancy Nelson
Knupfer, Kansas State University; Hillary McLellan, McLellan
Wyatt Digital
[pdf] |
42. |
- Developmental Research
- Rita C. Richey,
Wayne State University; Wayne A. Nelson, Southern Illinois University
at Edwardsville
[pdf] |