AECT Handbook of Research

Table of Contents

30. Control of Mathemagenic Activities

30.1 Origins
30.2 Cognitive Models of Learning Processes
30.3 Some History
30.4 Characteristics of Mathemagenic Activity
30.5 Induction, Modification, and Maintenance
30.6 Interventions
30.7 Dispositional Social Influences
30.8 Learning In Schools and Other Instructive Settings
30.9 Macrotheory of Instruction
30.10 Research issues And the Role Of Mathemagenic Activities In New Instructional Models
30.11 Mathemagenic Activities And Developments In Instructional Technology
30.12 Summing Up
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Marcy P. Driscoll,, Florida State University
Associate Editor

30. Control of Mathemagenic Activities

Ernst Z. Rothkopf
Columbia University Teachers College

The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the concept of mathemagenic activities. I intend to review its theoretical and empirical origins and to contrast mathemagenic activities with several other conceptions of the dynamics of information gathering such as motivation and learning strategies. In addition, I will describe the critical role of mathemagenic activities in a macrotheoretical model of teaching and explore their role in the management of instruction. Finally, I would like to point to some unsolved scientific and practical problems and to offer a brief discussion of appropriate supports for effective mathemagenic activities with the newer instructional technologies.


Updated August 3, 2001
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