Learner-Control and Instructional Technologies
33.8 Rational-Cognitive Aspects Of Choice And LearningSeveral reviews of learner control in instruction (Hannafin, 1984; Milheim. & Martin, 1991; Steinberg, 1989) have identified two kinds of cognitive traits, prior knowledge and ability, which may explain some of the negative results of providing learners with choices during instruction. The relationships of learner control with achievement and with ability are presented in turn, together with some hypotheti-cal instructional prescriptions that could take advantage of these relationships. 33.8.1 Prior KnowledgeThe review presented earlier in this chapter amply demon-strates that
learners given control over their instruction too often make suboptimal
choices. One possible explanation for these findings is that individuals
do make appropriate decisions, but within their own perceptions of the
problem at hand, not according to some optimal outside decision rules.
This view suggests that an increase in an individual's accuracy of perception
of his or her learning state in relation to the learning task should result
in the individual's making more appropriate choices. Students are therefore
expected to make instructional choices that are rational only to the degree
they have accurate information about their current learning state. This
suggests an approach based on learner prior knowledge or achievement. There is substantial evidence that, left on their own, both children
and adults very often overestimate how much they know about a given topic,
and, indeed, those with more knowledge are often better able to judge
their knowledge level than people fairly ignorant in that area (Flavell,
1979; Lichtenstein & Fischhoff, 1977; Nelson, Leonesio, Shimamura,
Landwehr & Narens, 1982). This finding that students are generally poor at estimating their current
state of knowledge has been found also in computer-based contexts. Lee
and Wong (1989) found stu-dents unable to predict their own learning of
both general and specific types of knowledge. Additionally, Garhart and
Hannafin (1986) and Relan (1991) found little correlation between self-rating
of knowledge and performance on several tests. Garhart and Hannafin (1986)
use this finding to explain plausibly why many students under learner-con-trolled
conditions tend to terminate instruction prematurely. It could very well be, then, that people often really don't know what
they don't know, and that those who know very little know even less about
what they don't know. (Apologies for the last sentence.) If this is the
case, one might predict that students with higher levels of knowledge
would make better (more judicious) instructional decisions than those
with lower knowledge levels. Evidence for this phenome-non is provided
by Seidel et al. (1975) and Fredericks (1976). In these learner-control
CBI studies, high perform-ers were much more able than low performers
to estimate their performance capabilities prior to their taking quizzes
on the lesson material. The notion that poor performers are incapable of judging how much they
know has implications for the idea of instructional support, as well.
That is, if students are unable to estimate their current state of knowledge,
they may also be unable to assess whether they need additional instruction
when given the chance to choose more. This would imply that a pretest
given prior to instruction could predict the success of students given
learner-controlled instruction, an extension of the achievement-treatment
interaction para-digm of Tobias (1976, 1981), but here the instructional
support is controlled by the learners. Such an interaction has indeed
been found in studies by Gay (1986), Ross and Rakow (1981), and Ross,
Rakow, and Bush (1980), although neither of these last two studies occurred
in a computer-based environment. In all cases, college students scoring
higher on a pretest performed as well under learner-control as similar
students under program control. This was not the case for low-prior-knowledge
students who per-formed much worse under learner control. It is plausible
that low-prior-knowledge students were not as able to judge the instructional
support they needed as were higher-prior-knowledge students. Additional evidence within a CBI context is provided by Tobias (1987a),
who found that knowledgeable students (as measured by a pretest) opted
to, see more review material than did less knowledgeable students. He
states, "
the presence of instructional support is no guarantee
that less- knowledgeable students will use it frequently or effectively
to improve learning" (p. 160). This is echoed by Judd et al.(1970),
who found a similar result in their early study, namely, that students
who needed additional instructional support tended to avoid seeking it. In another paper, Lee and Lee (199 1) found that, consis-tent with the prior-knowledge hypothesis, students with the lowest levels of prior achievement related to their lesson topic performed poorest on a posttest when given learner control during the beginning phase of the lesson, the phase designed for learners to acquire their initial knowledge of the content area. However, another group of learners, also with low pretest scores, who were given learner control during a review phase of the lesson, performed the best of all the students in the study, even better than both program- control groups (both in the initial knowledge acquisition and in the knowledge review phases). They clarify the distinctive findings for the two lesson phases:
In sum, prior achievement has been found to be a major factor affecting
the effectiveness of learner-controlled instruction. Additionally, unlike
many learner-control studies on other factors, this area of research is
well grounded in relevant theory. Generally, it seems that students with
some knowledge about the topic being taught seem better able to sense
at any given choice point what they need from instruction and to choose
additional instructional support accordingly. Here the key instructional
variable seems to be amount of instructional support. Students with low
amounts of topic knowledge have inaccurate perceptions of what they know,
and consequently make poor use of needed instructional support. Three possibilities are suggested for improving the effectiveness of
learner control in relation to learner prior knowledge: (a) informing
learners directly of their progress (i.e., supplanting the self-monitoring
function); (b) instruct-ing students to try to gauge their current knowledge
(i.e., activating the self-monitoring function); and (c) training the
students to better monitor their learning. The students' continual estimation of their level of knowledge (a metacognitive
strategy, according to Flavell, 1979) affects the effectiveness of their
choices. Without feedback data from the instruction about their knowledge
level, students with more prior learning seem better able to assess what
they do and do not know, and therefore how much more or what kinds of
instruction (i.e., optional material) they need to see. Hannafin (1984),
Milheim and Martin (1991), and Steinberg (1989) each suggests that learner
control that regularly informs learners of the state of their learning
might provide an aid, perhaps in the form of coaching or advisement to
the students, in deciding whether they need more instruction. Additionally,
Steinberg (1989) suggests that instruction should gradually wean the student
from such crutches in order to promote more internalization of the metacognitive
processes. Such information supports to the learner fall under the category
of "decision aids," which have been shown to be quite useful
in helping people make judgments and select appropriate courses of action
(Pitz & Sachs, 1984). Studies by Arnone and Grabowski (1992), Holmes et al. (1985), Schloss
et al. (1988), Tennyson (1980, 1981), and Tennyson and Buttrey (1980)
support the contention that providing students with updated information
as to their moment-by-moment mastery level would improve the effectiveness
of learner control over providing no such information. Here the researchers
provide students under learner control with such information and show
beneficial effects in comparison to students not given such informa-tion.
A related study by Steinberg, Baskin, and Hofer (1986) showed that providing
informative feedback to students during the course of a CBI lesson increased
the chances that learner-controlled memory tools would be used. That is,
students were able to use the feedback information to help them decide
when and how to use the memory tools. Results are not unequivocal, however. Ross et al. (1988) did not find
an interaction between student selection of density of text displayed
on the computer screen (high and low densities) and student pretest scores.
Additionally, Goetzfried and Hannafin (1985) did not replicate in a CBI
setting the achievement-by-treatment interaction that was demonstrated
by Ross and Rakow (1981) in a non-CBI setting. An additional wrinkle is suggested in results reported by Pridemore and
Klein (1991), who compared selection of feedback by students (see
under two learner-con- trolled conditions differing in the elaborateness
of feedback information provided. They found generally that students in
the less-elaborate condition selected less feedback than those in the
more-elaborate condition. The authors suggest that the amount of information
contained in the feedback message helps students decide whether choosing
to see such feedback is worthwhile. This might imply that stu-dents select
their instructional support only to the degree they perceive it will help
them. It's possible, then, that students choose to experience more instruction,
not just on their perceived learning nee I d but also on the perceived
usefulness of the material to be offered. Instruction then, designed for
learner control, should have as its goal the However, it is not known at this point whether students even need to
be aware that self-monitoring of knowledge is important in learner-controlled
instruction as a type of learning strategy (Garner & Alexander, 1989).
It might be that simple directions to the student to think about what
or how much they know might be enough to dislodge them from more habitual
"mindless" activity. If we could some- how activate the learner's
own untapped self-monitoring skills, it is speculated, then, that it may
be unnecessary to inform them directly of their mastery using some decision
superstructure (e.g. -, Bayesian probabilities; see; Tennyson
& Rothen, 1979). This approach, however, has not been explored in
learner-controlled CBI contexts. In addition to supplanting a student's monitoring activi-ties, or activating existing monitoring strategies, instruction might attempt to actually improve the student's conscious use of metacognitive strategies. This would involve some type of strategy training (see Garner & Alexander, 1989, for a review of some of these training approaches). Tobias (1987a) supports metacognitive strategy training, indicating that many students might need to be taught when and why to use various instructional supports. Kinzie (1990), too, advocates an approach to help the learners become better managers of their learning with the suggestion that perhaps,
However, at this point, metacognitive strategy training has not been much investigated in a learner-control CBI context. 33.8.2 Learning Strategies and AbilityIn addition to the prior-knowledge hypothesis and related issues just discussed, there is another explanation for the general ineffectiveness of providing instructional options. This notion begins with the suggestion that individuals have developed either good or poor strategies for dealing with learning problems. The metacognitive self-monitoring processes mentioned in the previous section on prior knowledge in fact represent a subset of a larger collection of cognitive processing strategies most often called learning strategies. Jonassen (1985) reviews some of the research on learning strategies, and describes four classes of strategies, all of which have clear implications for learn-er-controlled instruction:
When many people using both good and poor strategies are averaged in
a study, a less-than-ideal picture is painted of the effectiveness of
decision making as a whole. Some researchers suggest that the use of such
learning strategies as Jonassen (1985) presents is linked closely with
the con-cept of general intelligence (Snow & Yalow, 1982). It is not
unreasonable to imagine that higher-ability students might have a greater
repertoire of strategies to draw on when faced with a learning problem.
In fact, as Snow and Yalow (1982) point out, very often the concept of
ability is equated with the capacity to learn. If indeed we can infer that (a) higher-ability students consciously or
unconsciously bring to bear the mental resources appropriate to the learning
task and avoid using inefficient ones, (b) lower-ability students somehow
either lack or don't know how or when to activate their learning strategies,
and (c) the success of learner control depends to a large degree on students
judiciously applying their mental resources to the learning problem, then
we can begin to explain the mixed results of learner control of instruction
as being to a degree a function of learner ability, with higher-ability
students capitalizing on learner control and lower-ability students left
floundering. An opposing viewpoint that higher ability will predict use of better
learning strategies comes from Clark (1982). From a review of aptitude-treatment
interaction studies, be first hypothesizes that high-ability students
would profit most from activating or cueing methods, that is, techniques
that prompt the student to adopt appropriate mental strate-gies from their
repertoire of strategies for a given problem. Second, he suggests that
low-ability students would do best under the supplanting or modeling methods,
which are techniques that do not rely on the student to use his or her
own mental resources, but rather explicitly guide the stu-dent through
the optimal learning strategies. But regardless of what high-ability students
would need, he suggests that they would prefer to choose supplantation
or modeling, while low-ability students would prefer activating or cueing
methods. Each group does so because that is the method perceived to be
the lowest "mental workload" for the student. In this case,
he proposes, neither group would select an appropriate strategy. There is the additional question, however, of what the patterns of "optimal"
choices would look like in a learner-controlled lesson. Would the best
students generally choose more options, regardless of the specific type
of instructional event put under their control? In this case, "more"
of any-thing would be perceived by students as being "better."
Or would their effective strategy use lead them to select only those specific
types of options they feel would produce the greatest benefit? In this
case ' we would be able to see only some kinds of options being chosen
by higher-ability students, while by others, perhaps not at all. Lower-ability
students would perhaps manifest converse types of options--selection patterns,
or maybe even random patterns. It is possible to examine the notion of ability being related to overall
amount of options selection only in those studies that offer a variety
of options to the student. Other-wise, for studies that offer only one
type of selectable instructional event, it is difficult to conclude anything
about selective strategy choice and ability level. Of studies that do
offer several types of options to students, Carrier et al. (1985) did
find a strong positive relationship between a measure of general ability
and general amount of options selected, regardless of the type of instructional
event. This was not replicated in a follow-up study, however (Carrier
et al., 1986), which included some additional motivational feedback in
one of the treatments. Perhaps the presence of encouraging feedback (which
did increase overall options selection in the study) was a more salient
factor affecting decisions by the students to choose or to skip over material,
so much so that ability affects were minimized. Other stud-ies, too, found
little or no relationship between overall level or frequency of options
selection and ability measures. Snow (1979), for example, found near-zero
correlations between standard ability and achievement measures and frequency
of choice of instructional options. Reinking and Schreiner (1985), too,
found no differences between low- and high-reading ability groups in any
type of options selected. Another study by Morrison et al. (1992), although
more indirect in its implication about ability level relationships, reports
no association between amount of instructional sup-port selections made
by students under learner-controlled conditions and their posttest performance
(posttest perfor-mance also being assumed to be generally related to student
ability level). From these findings, it is difficult to conclude that
higher-ability students make indiscriminately more frequent use of any
and all instructional options that they might be offered. Connections between ability and selective use of specific types of options
seem a little more evident in the literature. In a study that looked for
a possible curvilinear connection between options use and ability, Carrier
and Williams (1988) found that students with the highest ability levels
chose medium frequency levels of instructional options. The suggestion
they made was that high-ability students do not act compulsively, indiscriminately
selecting all options presented to them, but rather act more reflectively,
choos-ing some as needed, but skipping over others deemed not useful.
Another study by Sasscer and Moore (1984) found that when students in
a TICCIT lesson were given the option of terminating the lesson, the dropout
rate was relat-ed to the types of options chosen. The students who left
the lesson early typically chose the "easier" kinds of options
in the lesson. Snow (1979) found that aptitude measures of fluid-analytic
ability and perceptual speed predicted the choice activities of successful
college students in a BASIC programming task. The best choice activities
he described as indicating a reflective and thoughtful * style, and were
more frequently selected by high-ability students. (Some caution is urged
in reading this study, however, as the data analysis presented is sketchy
and contains too few subjects to trust unequivocally the stability of
the multivariate analysis employed.) A couple of other studies are worth mentioning, although they offer somewhat
qualified tests of associations between ability and type of options selected.
For example, a study by Kinzie et al. (1988) found that students higher
in reading ability selected a high proportion of options to review material
than did lower-ability students. This was the only type option offered
to subjects in the study, but because it was highly germane for the particular
lesson, higher-ability students seemed perhaps better able to gauge the
benefits of frequently selecting it. Additionally, if we use posttest
performance as a type of surrogate ability measure, we find in a reanalysis
of data presented in Seidel et al. (1975, p. 29, Table 6) that while low-posttest
performers selected overall more options, high performers selected proportionally
more of certain types of options-namely, options to take quizzes-than
did low performers. This was not the case for options to recap or review
materi-al presented in the lesson. This finding seems not to have occurred
for Holmes et al. (1985), however, who found no relationship between pretest
scores (here taken as a surrogate ability measure) and particular strategy
use-in their case, either opting to take unit tests before proceeding
through the lesson, or going through instruction first before taking the
tests. There is also evidence that ability plays an important role on the attrition
of students in large instructional units. An early example, the TICCIT
system (Merrill, 1973) offered college students a great deal of choice
in selection of both content and strategy. Results showed a high dropout
rate, but positive effects on achievement for those who persisted. Those
who stayed were generally higher-ability students to begin with (O'Shea
& Self, 1983, p. 92). The mixed results from these studies, while indicating the potential
for ability and learning strategies to explain overall performance in
learner-controlled CBI, also demon-strate that more research needs to
be done. The hypothesis Of Clark (1982) that higher-ability students will
probably seek more instructional support (even though they do not need
it) appears supported in some studies, but not in oth-ers. There is also
some evidence that high-ability learners have some capacity to choose
their instructional support with some circumspection and discrimination,
rather than wholesale. It might be that the specific type of tasks presented
to the students need to be more precisely matched to the specific learning
strategies with which they most cor-respond. Overall, though, ability
measures do not seem to have the power to differentiate the more relevant
learning strategies adopted by a given student at a given time. Some types of instructional interventions do appear to work to compensate
for the poor use of mental resources in low-ability learners. Jonassen
(1985) presents within the four learning strategy categories listed earlier
several suggestions for improving the use of strategies in computer-based
instruction. Most of these approaches have yet to be tried in learner-control
CBI studies, however. Ability appears to predict, in addition to the individual's perception
of need for instructional support (a metacogni-tive strategy), other types
of mental learning strategies in which the student might engage. Although
the relationship between ability and choice seems more tenuous than that
of prior achievement and choice, there still seems cause to believe that
appropriate choice strategies can be made salient to the learners when
these learners lack the inclina-tion to spontaneously make their own decisions,
perhaps via simple instructions or suggestions, and perhaps by changing
the attractiveness of the various choices to be made. Additionally, the
types of options selected appear more related to ability than quantity
of options chosen. Only two instances were found of learner-controlled CBI studies that
attempted to improve students' strategy use. Elementary school students
in Jacobson and Thompson's (1975) study were given prompts at various
points to help them make appropriate instructional decisions. Although
the instructional treatments used in the study were quite large and in
many ways not comparable, the authors still conclude that such strategic
prompting can help students to make appropriate decisions. In another
study by Relan (1991), three types of strategy-training groups (comprehen-sive,
partial, or no training) were experimentally crossed with two levels of
learner control over review of material (complete or limited). She found
that, for the immediate posttest at least, both strategy-training groups
did improve performance, but only for the limited learner-control treatment
group. She hypothesizes that the complete learner-control group with strategy
training added on top was simply overloaded. The implication is that strategy
training might be most effective when close attention is paid to matching
appropriately that training to the context of the lesson. Reigeluth (1979) proposed that learner-controlled instruction offer students
an "advisor" option, a sort of pre-scriptive "help' feature,
which would suggest to the student various so-called "optimal"
strategies for how to process information or what to do next in the lesson.
The potential flaw in this proposal is that students might not know how
or when to access the optional advisor. Another intervention system is
proposed by Allen and Merrill (1985), which pro-vides to the learners
varying amounts of learning-strategy suggestions depending on their aptitudes
for accomplishing the learning tasks. For students of low abilities, for
example, the computer would provide explicit processing representa-tions
for the students to follow; for medium-ability students, the system would
"guide" the learner to use certain previ-ously learned strategies;
high-ability students would be left with the most freedom to select and
apply their previously acquired processing strategies without external
suggestions or interference from the computer system. This type of system
has not yet been tested. The idea behind all these approaches is to promote the conscientious and mindful use of instructional options according to individual needs for instructional support. The following section shifts the examination from the rational predictors of learner choices to the emotional or affective predictors. |
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