Learner-Control and Instructional Technologies
33.6 The Role Of Learner CharacteristicsEducators know that individual learner characteristics play a huge role
in how fast and how well overall learning occurs. Generally speaking,
since its inception CBI has continually been held up as a promising vehicle
able to somehow tailor instruction to meet the individual needs of each
learner (Suppes, 1966; U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment,
1988). Just how these instructional adaptations are best concocted, however,
is a matter of debate. Some models for adaptive CBI are largely program con-trolled and attempt
to present to each student appropriately matched instructional events
according to some relevant individual difference variable. Examples of
such approaches include regression models that assign optimized instructional
conditions based on either stable trait variables (McCombs & McDaniel,
198 1; see also 22.3) or on-task state variables (Rivers, 1972; Ross &
Morrison, 1988; see also 22.5) and schemes to branch instruction according
to some optimiz-ing mathematical model (R. C. Atkinson, 1972; Holland,
1977; Smallwood, 1962; Tennyson, Christensen & Park, 1984; see also
22.4). Few of these approaches have made it into commercially produced
CBI, however. On the other hand, for reasons of feasibility, attractive-ness, and understandability,
most of the CBI found in school software libraries has at least some learner-con-trolled
features that their manufacturers tout as helping to accommodate the learning
needs of each individual student. The idea, as Merrill (1973, 1975) and
Federico (1980) have propounded, is that students will make their own
decisions throughout a lesson so as to best match their own learning styles,
personality, or other relevant traits. As we have seen, however, learner control does not seem to be a superior overall instructional strategy. A closer examination does seem to indicate differential student effectiveness of instructional choices, although perhaps not in the way the software producers had intended. That is, some students are able to use learner control to their advan-tage; others, however, use it actually to their detriment. 33.6.1 ParadigmsIt is useful at this point to review the major paradigms employed in
research that focuses on the relationship between learner characteristics
and learner-controlled CBI. There are several methods available to researchers
wishing to study such interactions. One common approach adopts an "aptitude-by-treatment
interaction" or ATI perspective (see 22.5; Carrier & Jonassen,
1988; Cronbach & Snow, 1977). That is, students' stable cognitive
and personality "trait" variables are viewed as possibly interacting
with predetermined instructional features to produce differentially effective
learning, particularly within a learner-controlled context (Snow, 1980).
One example (Judd et al., 1974a) found that the personality variable of
"achievement via independence" predicts certain behaviors under
learner control (see Snow (1979) also takes an ATI approach
and presents some data using various statistical profiling techniques
that appear to be fairly successful at sorting college students enrolled
in a BASIC programming course into good and poor options selectors according
to their scores on a variety of aptitude measures. The usual aim of ATI studies is to find instructional treatments that
would somehow benefit students possessing different learner characteristics
or profiles. However, in spite of Federico's (1980) suggestion that learner
control might allow students to select effectively instances based on
their own cognitive requirements, there is ample evidence that learner
control serves to magnify student differences rather than eliminate them.
Wilcox (1979), for instance, presents a review of non-computer-based ATI
studies and concludes that learner control tends to exacerbate problems
arising from individual differences instead of minimizing them. Snow (1980),
too, argues that a learning environment that allows learners to control
instruction might possibly produce stronger relationships between individual
differences and learning to the degree that these individual differences
are free to operate than would "fixed" instruction. In a variation
on ATI approaches, which Tobias (1976) calls "achievement-by-treatment
interactions" (see 22.3.7), dif-ferential results have also been
found for effectiveness of options selection for students with differing
amounts of prior knowledge (Ross & Rakow, 198 1; Tobias, 1987a). Merrill (1975) discusses several frequently invalidated assumptions regarding
"aptitudes" and "treatments" in a typical ATI model.
He points out that quite often the most germane learner characteristics
are actually unstable, vary-ing from moment to moment during instruction.
Likewise, treatment effects may similarly not always hold under the variety
of conditions present in typical educational settings. Lastly, he argues
that instead of instruction being adapted to the individual, we should
allow students to adapt the instruction for themselves. This forms one
of the bases for the inclusion and importance of learner control in his
theory of instruction. While standard ATI approaches seek to understand the differential effectiveness
of learner control with individual differences measured prior to instructional
intervention ("trait" variables), other approaches choose to
explore learner variables measured during the instructional task, so-called
"within-task" variables (Federico, 1980) or situational "state"
variables. These presumably reflect momentary variations in certain learner
characteristics that also could interact with the specific instructional
situation. Tennyson and Park (1984) discuss the need to investigate the
phe-nomena of moment-by-moment interactions of instruction and individual
differences, in particular within learner-controlled environments. Studies by Seidel, Wagner, Rosenblatt, Hillelsohn, and Stelzer (1975)
examining students' ongoing expectancies of success, by Fisher, Blackwell,
Garcia, and Greene (1975) on momentary changes in attributions for success
and failure, and by Goetzfried and Hannafin (1985), Johansen and Tennyson
(1983), Tennyson (1981), and Tennyson and Buttrey (1980) investigating
on-task mastery self-assessment by students, illustrate the utility of
variables that occur during the course of learner-controlled CBI. However, still another possibility not discussed by either Carrier and
Jonassen (1988) or Merrill (1975) is to not necessarily adapt instruction
to fit the student, but rather to attempt to change the student to optimally
use the instruc-tion. That is, if we can identify modifiable characteristics
of the students which typically produce dysfunctional interac-tions with
instructional treatments, we might attempt to alter those characteristics
so that the student and instruction are better matched. Suggested approaches
using this para-digm are presented later in this chapter. Thus, both person and instruction variables can be considered either
stable or unstable, perhaps reciprocally changing throughout the course
of instruction. This paradigm also allows for the occurrence of aptitude-by-treatment
"corrections" (Gehlbach, 1979), that is, selecting treatments
to eliminate the effects of individual differences rather than to accommodate
diem. This expanded "adaptive instruction" paradigm presents a revised
set of larger questions to the researcher: When might instruction respond
to variations (both stable and unstable) in individual learners, and how
might learners react and respond to changes (macro and micro) in the instruction?
Within this framework, there seems to be suffi-cient theoretical, empirical,
and practical justification for investigating the mutual relationship
between learner differ-ences and instruction under some degree of learner
control. |
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