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Budapest, Hungary: Gondolat. I. BIBLOGRAPHY OF SYSTEMS-RELATED WRITINGSThe Design of Educational Systems Banathy, Bela H. (1991). Systems design of education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology.** Banathy, Bela H. (1992). A systems view of education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology. ** Banathy, B.H. & L, Jenks, (1991). The transformation of education by design. Far West Laboratory. ** Reigeluth, C., Banathy, B., Olson J., ed. (1993). Comprehensive systems design: a new educational technology. Stuttgart, Springer. **This mark means primary significance. ** This mark means primary and state of the art significance. Articles (Representative Samples) From Systems Research: 1.Social Systems Design Vol. 2, #3: A.N. Christakis, The national forum on nonindustrial private forest lands. Vol. 4, #1: A. Hatchel et al., Innovation as system intervention. Vol. 4, #2: J. Warfield & A. Christakis, Dimensionality; W. Churchman, Discoveries in an exploration into systems thinking. Vol. 4, #4: J. Warfield,71binking about systems. Vol. 5, #1: B.H. Banathy, Matching design methods to systems type. Vol. 5, #2: A.N. Christakis et al., Synthesis in a new age: a role for systems scientists in the age of design. Vol. 5, #3: M.C. Jackson, Systems methods for organizational analysis and design. Vol. 5, #3: R. Ackoff, A theory of practice in the social sciences. Vol. 6, #4: B.H. Banathy, The design of evolutionary guidance systems. Vol. 7, #3: F.F. Robb, Morhostasi and morphogenesis: context of design inquiry. Vol. 7, #4: C. Smith, Self-organization in social systems: a paradigm of ethics. Vol. 8, #2: T.F. Gougen, Family stories as mechanisms of evolutionary guidance.
From Systems Practice:Vol. 1, #1: J. Oliga: Methodological foundations of systems methodologies, p. 3. Vol. 1, #4: R. Mason, Exploration of opportunity costs; P. Checkland, Churchman's Anatomy of systems teleology; W. Ulrich, Churchman's Process of unfolding. Vol. 2, #1: R. Flood, Six scenarios for the future of systems problem solving. Vol. 2, #4: J. Vlcek, The practical use of systems approach in large-scale designing. Vol. 3, #1: R. Flood & W. Ulrich, Critical systems thinking. Vol. 3, #2: S. Beer, On suicidal rabbits: a relativity of systems. Vol. 3, #3: M. SchwaningerThe viable system model. Vol. 3, #5: R. Ackoff, The. management of change and the changes it requires in management; R Keys, Systems dynamics as a systems?based problem solving methodology. Vol. 3, #6: 1 Tsivacou, An evolutionary design methodology. Vol. 4, #2: M. Jackson, The origin and nature of critical systems thinking. Vol. 4, #3: R. Flood & M. Jackson, Total systems intervention. 2. The systems design of education (very limited samples). Vol. 9, #2: Banathy, B.H., New horizons through systems design, Educational Horizons. Banathy, B.H. (Mar., May, Jul., Sep. 1991 and Jan. 1992), Columns on comprehensive systems design, Educational Technology. Barth, R. (Oct. 1991) Restructuring schools, Phi Delta Kappan. Branson, R. (Apr. 1990) Issues in the design of schooling, Educational Technology. Reigeluth, C. (Vol. 10, #4) The search for meaningful reform: a third-wave educational system, Journal of Instrument Development. Reigeluth, C. (Nov. 1991) Column: comprehensive systems design, Educational Technology. Rowland, G. (Dec. 1991) Designing educational futures, Educational Technology, p. 4. II. ELABORATIONBooks: Design thinking--design action Ackoff, R. (1974). Redesigning thefiiture:. New York: Wiley. Ackoff, R., et a]. (1984) A guide to controlling your corporation ~fiiture. New York: Wiley. Alexander C. (1964). Notes ?on the synthesis of form. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Banathy B., et a]., (1979). Design models and methodologies. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory. Boulding, K. (1956). The image. Ann Arbor, MI: The University Michigan Press. Checkland P. & Scholes, J. (1990). Soft systems methodology in action. New York: Wiley. Emery, F. & Trist, E. (1973). Towards a social ecology. New York: Plenum. Gasparski, W. (1984). Understanding design. Salinas, CA: Intersystems. Harman, W. (1988). Global mind change. Indianapolis, IN: Knowledge Systems. Harman, W. (1976). An incomplete guide to the future. San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Book Company. Hausman, C. (1984). A discourse on novelty and creation. Albany, NY. SUNY Press. Jantsch E. (1975). Design for evolution. New York: Braziller. Jantsch E. (1980). The se4florganizing universe. New York: Pergamon. Jones C. (1980). Design methods. New York: Wiley. Jones C. (1984). Essays on design. New York: Wiley. Lawson, B. (1980). How designers think. Westfield, NJ: Eastview Editions, p. 5. Lippit, G. (1973). Visualizing change. La Jolla, CA: University Associates. Nadler, G. (1967). Work systems design. Ideals concept: Homewood, IL: Irwin. Sage, A. (1977). Methodology for large-scale systems. New York: McGraw-Hill. Senge, P, (1990). The fifth discipline. New York: Doubleday/Cuffency. Simon, H. (1969). The sciences of the artificial. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Ulrich, W. (1983). Critical heuristics of social planning. Bern, Switzerland: Haupt. van Gigch J. (1974). Applied systems theory. New York: Harper & Row.
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