20: Cognitive
Teaching Models
20.3 Contextualizing instruction: cognitive apprenticeshipsCollins, Brown, and colleagues (e.g., Collins, Brown & Newman, 1989; Collins, 1991) developed an instructional model derived from the metaphor of the apprentice working under the master craftsperson in traditional societies, and from the way people seem to learn in everyday informal environments (Lave, 1988). The cognitive apprenticeship model rests on a somewhat romantic conception of the "ideal" apprenticeship as a method of becoming a master in a complex domain (Brown, Collins & Duguid, 1989). In contrast to the classroom context, which tends to remove knowledge from its sphere of use, Collins and Brown recommend establishing settings where worthwhile problems can be worked with and solved. The need for a problem-solving orientation to education is apparent from the difficulty schools are having in achieving substantial learning outcomes (Resnick, 1989). Emulating the best features of apprenticeships is needed because, as Gott (1988a) noted, lengthy periods of apprenticeship are becoming a rarity in industrial and military settings. She termed this phenomenon the lost apprenticeship and noted the effects of the increased complexity and automation of production systems. First, the need is growing for high levels of expertise in supervising and using automated work systems; correspondingly, the need for entry levels of expertise is declining. Workers on the job are more and more expected to be flexible problem solvers; human intervention is often most needed at points of breakdown or malfunction. At these points, the expert is called in. Experts, however narrow the domain, do more than apply canned job aids or troubleshooting algorithms; rather, they draw on the considerable knowledge they have internalized and use it to solve problems flexibly in real time (Gott, 1988b). Gott's second observation relates to training opportunities. Now, at a time when more problem-solving expertise is needed due to the complexity of systems, fewer on-the-job training opportunities exist for entry-level workers. There is often little or no chance for beginning workers to acclimatize themselves to the job, and workers very quickly are expected to perform like seasoned professionals. True apprenticeship experiences are becoming relatively rare. Gott calls this dilemma-more complex job requirements with less time on the job to learn-the "lost" apprenticeship and argues for the critical need for cognitive apprenticeships and simulation-type training to help workers develop greater problem-solving expertise. 20.3. 1 Features of Cognitive ApprenticeshipsThe Collins-Brown model of cognitive apprenticeship (see 7.4.4) incorporates the following instructional strategies or components. 1. Content: Teach tacit, heuristic knowledge as well as textbook knowledge. Collins et al. (1989) refer to four kinds of knowledge:
2. Situated learning: Teach knowledge and skills in contexts that reflect the way the knowledge will be useful in real life. Brown, Collins, and Duguid (1989) argue for placing all instruction within "authentic" contexts that mirror real-life problem-solving situations. Collins (1991) is less forceful, moving away from real-life requirements and toward problem-solving situations: For teaching math skills, situated learning could encompass settings "ranging from running a bank or shopping in a grocery store to inventing new theorems or finding new proofs. That is, situated learning can incorporate situations from everyday life to the most theoretical endeavors" (Collins, 1991, p. 122). Collins cites several benefits for placing instruction within problem-solving contexts:
3. Modeling and explaining: Show how a process unfolds and tell reasons why it happens that way. Collins (1991) cites two kinds of modeling: modeling of processes observed in the world and modeling of expert performance, including covert cognitive processes. Computers can be used to aid in the modeling of these processes. Collins stresses the importance of integrating both the demonstration and the explanation during instruction. Learners need access to explanations as they observe details of the modeled performance. Computers are particularly good at modeling covert processes that otherwise would be difficult to observe. Collins suggests that truly modeling competent performance, including the false starts, dead ends, and backup strategies, can help learners more quickly adopt the tacit forms of knowledge alluded to above in the section on content. Teachers in this way are seen as "intelligent novices" (Bransford et al., 1988). By seeing both process modeling and accompanying explanations, students can develop "conditionalized" knowledge, that is, knowledge about when and where knowledge should be used to solve a variety of problems. 4. Coaching: Observe students as they try to complete tasks and provide hints and helps when needed (see 7.4.5). Intelligent tutoring systems sometimes embody sophisticated coaching systems that model the learner's progress and provide hints and support as practice activities increase in difficulty. The same principles of coaching can be implemented in a variety of settings. Bransford and Vye (1989) identify several characteristics of effective coaches:
5. Articulation: Have students think about their actions and give reasons for their decisions and strategies, thus making their tacit knowledge more explicit. Think-aloud protocols are one example of articulation. Collins (1991) cites the benefits of added insight and the ability to compare knowledge across contexts. As learners' tacit knowledge is brought to light, that knowledge can be recruited to solve other problems. 6. Reflection: Have students look back over their efforts to complete a task and analyze their own performance. Reflection is like articulation, except it is pointed backwards to past tasks. Analyzing past performance efforts can also influence strategic goal-setting and intentional learning (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1989). Collins and Brown (1988) suggest four kinds or levels of reflection:
The latter forms of reflection seem to rely on technologies-video or computer-for feasible implementation. 7. Exploration: Encourage students to try out different strategies and hypotheses and observe their effects. Collins (199 1) claims that through exploration, students learn how to set achievable goals and to manage the pursuit of those goals. They learn to set and try out hypotheses, and to seek knowledge independently. Real-world exploration is always an attractive option; however, constraints of cost, time, and safety sometimes prohibit instruction in realistic settings. Simulations are one way to allow exploration; hypermedia structures are another. 8. Sequence: Present instruction in an ordering from simple to complex, with increasing diversity, and global before local skills.
The three teaching models presented below illustrate various features of the cognitive apprenticeship model. The first two are computer-based environments: Sherlock and goal-based scenarios. The third model is the problem-based learning environment developed by medical educators at the University of Illinois. All three models build instruction around problems or cases that are authentic to real-life situations, within which learners learn the details of a subject matter. 20.3.2 SherlockWhat happens when you combine extensive cognitive-task analysis of a well-defined, technical domain with a situated-learning philosophy and a teaching model based on intelligent tutoring systems (ITS)? Sherlock is an example of such a teaching tool. Sherlock is a computer-coached practice environment developed by Alan Lesgold and colleagues (e.g., Lajoie & Lesgold, 1992; Lesgold et al., 1988; Lesgold, Lajoie, Bunzo & Eggan, 1992) to develop the troubleshooting skills of Air Force electronics technicians. Sherlock was specifically designed to teach the most difficult parts of the troubleshooter's job. Learners are presented a number of troubleshooting problems requiring two kinds of activities:
Sherlock serves not only as an instructional environment and an assessment device but also as a laboratory for instructional research (Lajoie & Lesgold, 1992). Assessment is interwoven with instruction so that coaching is highly individualized. This is achieved using expert systems technology to create two types of student modeling using expert systems technology: a competency model that is updated throughout the program, and a performance model. Together, they provide the basis for diagnosing learner problems and selecting appropriate instructional mediation relating to goals, operators, methods, and strategies. A central feature of Sherlock is its intelligent hyperdisplay:
Sherlock's diagrams are dynamic; that is, they are assembled at any point in the program to be sensitive to immediate conditions. The diagrams are adjusted so that conceptually central components are afforded the most space; diagram boxes and circuit paths are color coded to reflect the learner's prior knowledge about them. Gott, Hall, Pokorny, Dibble. and Glaser (1992) studied Sherlock learning environments to find out how students made flexible use of their knowledge in novel situations:
The current incarnation of the program, Sherlock 2, includes a number of refinements aimed at facilitating students' development of device models and transfer of knowledge. Consistent with the cognitive apprenticeship model, students have a variety of supports and reflective tools available to them:
One key to Sherlock's success is the extensive and sophisticated cognitive task analysis that provided "critical information necessary for developing the appropriate student models of proficiency" (Lajoie & Lesgold, 1992, p. 381). The program addresses eight dimensions of proficiency proposed by Glaser, Lesgold, and Lajoie (1987) and based on research on expert-novice differences (Lajoie & Lesgold, 1992):
According to Gott et al. (1996, p. 36), the Sherlock team's approach to task analysis is similar but distinguishable from traditional instructional-design approaches. "What is different is that the structure of learning tasks is more authentic, rooted in the needs of practice (or simulated practice) rather than being derived directly from task analysis structure... ." Research has found that learners who used Sherlock improved dramatically in their troubleshooting skills, during training as well as on a posttest (Lesgold et al., 1988; Nichols, Pokorny, Jones, Gott & Alley, 1995). Sherlock 2 yielded effect sizes on posttest measures ranging from .87 to 1.27 (Gott et al., 1996). 20.3.3 Goal-Based ScenariosRoger Schank and colleagues at the Institute for the Learning Sciences have developed an architecture for the design of learn-by-doing courses and simulations (Schank, Fano, Bell & Jona, 1993/1994). Goal-based scenarios constitute an approach to the design of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) that combine elements of simulation, case-based reasoning, and traditional ITS modeling techniques. Riesbeck (1996, p. 52) describes the concept of a goal-based scenario:
The student engages in a simulation in order to solve the defined problem or achieve the goal. Typically the student interacts with simulated agents and objects within a simulated environment. A goal-based scenario differs, however, from traditional simulations in a number of respects. For example:
ASK networks are systems for indexing and archiving stories in a way that makes them useful within the goal-based scenario. Stories are brought into the simulation as the need arises, with the indexing sensitive to the learner's progress and other local conditions. Three goal-based scenarios that have been developed are briefly reported below. Broadcast News. High school students collaborate to produce their own simulated TV news broadcast. "The student first sees a brief introduction informing him or her that he or she will be working on a newscast for a particular day in history ... [say] May 21, 1991. The student is then given a rough draft of a news story that requires revisions so it can go on the air" (Schank et al., 1993/94, p. 309). Students often lack the historical or political knowledge to understand the draft script, so they consult tools and resources within the program that provide a context for understanding the script. The student then needs to revise the script and prepare it for broadcast. Rather than personally rewriting the draft, the student submits specifications for revision back to the writers. The program's experts can provide support and advice through this process. As in real life, two experts' feedback, in fact, may conflict with each other, forcing the student to decide how to interpret suggestions and incorporate them into the revised script.
The student can watch the tape and compare it with a professional network newscast covering the same event. This comparison fosters reflection and discussion about the process and decisions made. Sickle Cell Counselor. This is an interactive hypermedia exhibit designed for the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago (Bell, Bareiss & Beckwith, 1993/94; Schank et al., 1994, pp. 310-11). The user assumes a role of genetic counselor advising couples of the genetic risks of their upcoming marriage. The student is able to run simulated lab tests, interact via interactive video with the couple, collect data from the couple, and offer advice. Research indicated that museum visitors spent considerably more time with the exhibit than for other exhibits and learned something about genetics (based on both self-report and performance on pre- and posttests). YELLO. This is a program designed to teach telephone operators how to sell Yellow Pages advertising (Kass, Burke, Blevis & Williamson, 1993/94). The program follows a framework designed for the teaching of complex social skills. Of particular interest is the interjection of stories into the practice section. The program tracks student performance and retrieves a "story" that matches the student's performance profile, based on a sophisticated indexing scheme. The story-a real-life recounting by an experienced practitioner-is then provided to the student to strengthen motivation and make the task meaningful, as well as to correct the performance. Schank et al. (1993/1994) outline the principal components of goal-based scenarios, along with criteria for good design. The following four components form the basis of a goal-based scenario. Mission. The mission is the overall goal of the goal-based scenario. A scenario's mission may relate to process skills or outcome achievement skills. Process skills (e.g., running a trucking company, flying a plane, being a bank teller, etc.) lend themselves to role-play scenarios where the learner assumes the role of a character and learns the knowledge and skills related to that role. Outcome achievement skills (e.g., troubleshooting an engine or building a bridge) lend themselves to a scenario focusing on a specific task or achieving a particular result. By accomplishing the task, the student learns relevant skills along the way. Mission Focus. Schank et al. (1993/94) refer to the mission focus as "the underlying organization" of the activities engaged in by students (p. 327). They identified four mission foci: Cover Story. The cover story provides the specifics of the student's role and the surrounding context Schank et al, (1993/94) suggest designing a cover story around something the student might like to do (e.g., be President of the United States or fly an airplane) or something the student would have some strong feeling for (e.g., investigate the Chernobyl accident site, help a person threatening suicide). The details of the story are worked out in the design of the cover story, including the "setup" (explanations to students about why the scenario is important, specification of tools available in solving problems, etc.) and the "scenes" (the specific physical settings encountered in the story). 20-3.3.7. Scenario Operations. Specification of scenario operations is the final stage of a goal-based scenario design. Scenario operations are the discrete, specific responses required of students engaged in the program. Examples might include "adjusting a parameter with a dial, issuing a directive in a social simulation, answering a question, using a tool to shape part of an artifact, searching for a piece of information, and deciding between two alternatives" (Schank et al., 1993/94, p. 336). In many ways, Schank's work continues the tradition of developing instructional simulations (see 17.4, 17.5), popular forms since the advent of computer-based instruction in the 1960s, including models of role playing, control of dynamic systems, and task performance. Schank's contribution has been in the development of a sound theoretical model based on cognitive memory research, and in the creation of a design laboratory that follows A well-defined development model in creating working products. The costs of developing full-blown goal-based scenarios undoubtedly remain high, but they signal important progress in the design of instructional systems. 20.3.4 Problem-Based LearningAs noted above, intelligent tutoring systems rely on extensive and sophisticated cognitive task analysis to develop expert and student models; moreover, they are usually designed for individual learners. Like Sherlock, they tend to address well-structured problems in well-structured domains and build on a broad base of content knowledge. Problem-based learning (PBL) addresses ill-structured problems and/or ill-structured domains. Koschmann, Myers, Feltovich, and Barrows (1994) stressed the distinction between an ill-structured domain (see 7.5,, as characterized by Spiro, Coulson, Feltovich, and Anderson (1988), "in which no single concept, or even a small number of conceptual elements, is sufficient for capturing the workings of a typical instance of knowledge application" (Koschmann et al., 1994, p. 23 1), and an ill-structured problem:
Problem-based learning integrates the learning of content and skills, utilizes a collaborative environment, and emphasizes "learning to learn" by placing most of the responsibility for learning on the learner rather than providing a sophisticated pre-designed instructional system (see 7.5, The PBL model has been implemented in several areas of higher education, including medicine, business, education, architecture, law, engineering, and social work, as well as in high school (Savery & Duffy, 1996). However, the. best known applications of PBL are in medical schools, where it was developed in the 1950s, and whose graduates face particularly ill-structured problems in an ill-structured and ever-expanding domain that requires lifelong learning skills. (See, e.g., Williams, 1992; Savery & Duffy, 1996, and Koschmann et al., 1994, for critical overviews of the use of PBL in medical schools.) More than 100 medical programs include a PBL option (Duffy, 1994). PBL combines the teacher-directed case method that is used extensively in law and business schools with the discovery-learning philosophy of Jerome Bruner (Lipkin, 1989; Schmidt, 1989). During the first 2 years of medical school, students in a PBL curriculum work in small self-directed groups to learn simultaneously content (basic science knowledge) and skills (the procedural skills of examining and diagnosing patients, and metacognitive skills such as monitoring their comprehension, identifying their learning needs, identifying and using resources efficiently, and reflecting on procedural and metacognitive skills). In lieu of traditional lectures and laboratory exercises, the problem-based curriculum presents a series of authentic patient problems; groups of five to seven students work intensely for about a week on each problem, diagnosing and learning to understand its causes. Authenticity is critical in motivating students and in avoiding the "construction of fictional problems ... [with] symptoms that cannot coexist" (Williams, 1992, p. 404). The facts of the problem are presented, just as they were initially to a doctor, as an incomplete set of symptoms that must be evaluated and explained. For practical reasons, the presentation is usually simulated on paper or by an actor trained as a patient. The facts of the complete case are contained in a problem-based learning module (Barrows, 1985; Distlehorst & Barrows, 1982), which "is designed to allow for free inquiry, providing responses for any question, examination, or laboratory test an examiner might request for the actual patient" (Koschmann et al., 1994, p . 241) without cueing any factors that are critical to the case (Savery & Duffy, 1995). A tutor facilitates students' negotiation of five recursive stages of the problem-based methodology (Koschmann et al., 1994):
The role of the tutor, according to Barrows (1992), is critical to "the success of any educational method aimed at (1) developing students' thinking or reasoning skills (problem solving, metacognition, critical thinking) as they learn, and (2) helping them to become independent, self-directed learners ..." (p. 12). The tutor must not provide mini-lectures or suggest solutions but help each member of the group internalize effective metacognitive strategies by monitoring, modeling, coaching, and fading. This role includes
The tutor externalizes higher-order thinking that students are expected to internalize, by asking students to justify not only their inferences (e.g., "How do you know that's true?") but also any question they ask the patient (Savery & Duffy, 1995; Williams, 1992). Thus the students learn to identify and challenge superficial thinking and vague notions. In PBL, the tutor carefully monitors each student's development and forces him or her to remain an active learner. Medical students appear to be very positive about the approach, particularly in their first year. However, many issues are still to be addressed. Because so much of the work is group oriented, PBL cannot guarantee that the student will do his or her own thinking. As Koschmann et al. (1994) noted:
Compared to the computer-based programs reviewed above, PBL is relatively ill-defined; that is, students' specific interactions cannot be pre-specified. Because of this, good design and successful implementation become intertwined: Design must happen constantly throughout the course of students' activities. The instructor must remain vigilant to ensure that less-dominant members still have a voice within the group. Reluctant learners need to be monitored and encouraged to participate. Thus, more than some forms of controlled instruction, PBL depends on high-quality implementation by skilled instructors and participants. PBL is also time consuming. Problem-based activities can become tedious and boring, especially for students who have already internalized the clinical reasoning process. These complaints lead one to ask: Is it essential that students discover or seek out primary sources in the library for every case? Or might learning be just as effective but more efficient if hypermedia programs consolidated answers to relevant questions to reduce the temporal and cognitive loads, at least for some of the cases? A careful analysis to identify the specific activities most valuable in generating new knowledge seems in order (cf. Collins's epistemic games, described below). Indeed, faculty have begun to modify PBL programs. For example, faculty at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine designed focused cases "to solve these problems by encouraging learning on a single topic rather than leading to the generation of multiple, diverse hypotheses" (Williams, 1992, pp. 403--04). Koschmann et al. (1994) are developing computer-assisted programs to augment PBL, several of which directly or indirectly reduce cognitive load. These programs will facilitate:
Koschmann et al. (1994) are designing programs that utilize groupware (Stefik & Brown, 1989), hypertext/hypemedia (Conklin, 1987; see Chapter 21), database technologies (see 24.9), and electronic mail. |
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