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1. Voices
of the founders: Early discourses in educational technology
1.10 MILITARY RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL TECHOLOGYFrom the research on media during World War II, two new academic fields emerged, Communication Arts and Educational Technology. (Saettler recalls that W. W. Charters first used the term educational technology, and James Finn is often considered the first to write the term instructional technology [Saettler, 1990, p. 17n].) Generally speaking, communication researchers focused on those aspects of WWII research that impinged on the affect of audience groups. Even though Hoveland, Lumsdaine, and Sheffield conducted some research on training films, their main contribution was the extensive investigation of the Why We Fight film series and the attitudes of recruits. This work, in fact, became the basis for the first major scholarly work in the new communications field, Experiments on Mass Communications (Hoveland, Lumsdaine & Sheffield, 1949). Formal academic departments of educational technology did not coalesce at universities until the 60s, but informal work in audiovisual research had been conducted in colleges of education, such as Yale, Columbia, the University of Chicago, Indiana University, and the University of Wlsconsin since the 20s (Hoban & Van Ormer, 1951). As we have seen, the discourses that informed academic audiovisual texts in the 30s included behaviorism, specifically connectionism; mental measurements, specifically early IQ work; social efficiency; and a mixture of persuasion, corpo rate economics, and governmental concerns. Wlth Dale's work ascendant in the 40s, some of these discourses became subordinate for a short while. The nexus of discourses, however, from the late 20s and early 30s ran through the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s until university departments of educational technology were established. In fact, if this original amalgam had not existed, the field would not have been established. If WWII research formed the basis for the modern field of educational technology, it is important to understand which theories of learning inform that work. What assumptions and concepts were important to the researchers, and what values impelled them to join the enterprise. Again, how this body of knowledge was established can be ascertained by examining the rhetoric of this research. It is our theses that certain psychological strands of extant audiovisual discourses formed a basis for investigating film and other media in the Army and the Navy during this period, but that specific military discourses entered the field at this point in time and helped shape educational technology in the academy. Both psychological and military discourses are evident in the WWII research texts. Furthermore, we believe that the juncture of behaviorism (this time, operant conditioning, not connectionism) and military pedagogy was fortuitous (a marriage made in heaven), and together they formed a solid theoretical base for the field. The way knowledge was structured in operant conditioning and military pedagogy was quite similar. 1.10.1 Military TrainingMilitary pedagogy, which should more rightly be called military training, had existed for many years before WWII but was refined in the preparation of thousands of recruits during this conflict. It was training rather than education and had to accomplish very specific objectives in a short period of time. This training did not have time to be other than top-down in delivery. In addition to being hierarchical, it broke instruction down into small parts, often modularizing curriculum. It used demonstration, supplied opportunities for many trials or practice sessions, and was often self-paced. (Pressey's self-paced prewar teaching machine was ripe for induction into the military. With Skinner, Pressey expanded the capabilities of the machine to include simulations for pilots, but the innovation only built on former military practices of demonstration, trial and error, and self-paced, standardized instruction.) As had educational researchers in the 20s and early 30s, the Army and Navy made use of IQ tests as screening devices to place recruits in appropriate training units. 1.10.2 Training and CurriculumThere is ample evidence of the influence of military training on audiovisual and classroom practices. Books published after the war provide information on mass training. Military training had to be, of necessity, "quick, efficient, and standardized.... More learning in less time was perceived to be a necessity and became an immediate goal . . ." (U.S. Navy Department quoted in Miles & Spain, 1947, p. 4). We have already encountered notions that curriculum needs to be efficient and effective; but to those ideas, we now add goals of speed and standardization. It is important to point out that this approach was absolutely necessary to prepare recruits to fight:
Several aspects of this passage are of interest, but the urgent overall message here is that the necessity to train quickly thousands of recruits with varied academic ability led to reducing instruction to its simplest terms. There was obviously no room for critical thinking in wartime training. Yet, at this specific moment in time, when behavioral educational psychologists were designing instruction and audiovisual specialists were producing training films, we believe that certain beliefs about instructions grew out of these practices. In this curricular procedure, the audience had to be well understood, the objectives of instruction had to be precise and clear, and evaluation measures had to be concrete. It was as if education had to be reduced to instruction that further had to be reduced to training. The trouble with this reduction was that, after the war, a reductive training model was introduced to curriculum and textbook design and, ultimately, to teacher-training programs and classrooms. The constrained reductive model of audience, task and evaluation, which served the Armed Forces so well, was transferred by the educators who designed it back into the public school arena. The training model was equated with instruction, and education for a time did not open up. The critique of behavioral objectives mounted in the mid-70s unseated the training model as the central trope of curriculum theory, but it is still part of the model that informs many instructional design techniques today. About these training manuals, Walt Wlttich says:
Here is fledging rhetoric about what would later become design elements. Although certainly not the first, Wlttich was writing about instructional design elements, but not identifying them as such in his dissertation of 1944. Day-to-Day Military Training. No matter what design or training models film educators used during the war, there were day-to-day problems about screening and reception. Louis Forsdale describes some hurdles:
This was training at its most basic. These educators, while following an efficient training model, often, did not have the luxury of time to create certain instructional films. Forsdale continues:
For us, this anecdote
provides a quick gloss on instructional design in wartime and the interplay
of authority from both the military and audiovisual spheres. Forlnalizing Training. But the written war discourse formally entered curricular materials during and after the war. Miles and Spain help us understand the manner in which methods of training became inscribed in the Army and Navy and ultimately in public classroom texts:
Far from being critical of military pedagogy, Miles and Spain were writing a descriptive book, Audiovisual Aids in the Armed Services, for the Commission on Implications of Armed Services Educational Programs. The transfer of this method of training was being explored for schools. This commission, authorized by the American Council on Education, published 12 books in 1947 and 1948 to explore the implications of military training for public education. Some titles were Educational Lessons from Wartime Training (Grace et al., 1947); Area Studies in American Universities (Fenton, ssn); Improving Textbooks the Army and Navy Way (Frauens, 1948); Curriculum Implications of Armed Services Training (Goodman, 1948); Opinions on Gainsfor AmeAcan Education from Wartime Armed Services Training (Chambers, 1948). George Zook, president of the American Council of Education in the 40s said of this series:
These texts are important here, in fact more important to public education than were the audiovisual set published by the American Council on Education and mentioned above. Wshat they indicate is that general educators, not only AV educators, carried lessons about how to teach from the Army and Navy back to their civilian classrooms. Among them were teachers and administrators who were convinced of the efficacy of military training and, consequently, ripe for the upcoming "programming" of the curriculum by instructional designers and the fiat to teach by behavioral objectives. To return a moment to the rhetoric of the quote from Miles and Spain, we note the introduction of words and concepts that had not been generally encountered in curriculum, nor in AV texts prior to WWII. There is dominance and contrDls directives and doctAne, legal compulsion; we had not often encountered the term trainee before this time. Also, notions of inspections and compliance are new. Methods of teacher training in the Armed Services were explored for transfer to public classrooms. Teacher training, like behavioral protocol, was standardized in the military. Designing Texts. Methods of designing military manuals were gleaned for clues to the design of schoolroom texts. The pride of the Armed Forces, however, were the standardized manuals that they produced during the war years and released after the war. Many of them were selfinstructional, stepwise texts "in modern magazine style containing all the basic information which students should acquire in primary training or in advanced training" (Miles & Spain, 1947, p. 11). Publicity men, professional editorial staffs, and commercial artists had been drafted into the Armed Forces to help design and produce these manuals:
1.10.3 Content and Rhetoric of War ResearchT,he research conducted in World War II consisted primarily of investigations into the training power of film, and the results are common knowledge today in many educational technology graduate programs. We learned that we use motion to teach motion tasks, that film was good for teaching facts, and adequate for teaching concepts, and that it had some effect on motivation and opinion. The reason educational technology researchers used these studies as a base for their work in the 50s and 60s was because they believed that the large number of participants used in the studies supported the statistics employed to measure results. In a companion piece to Hoban and vanOrmer's 1950 welldesigned, succinct, and terse Instructional Film Research Report, the Instructional Film Research Program, sponsored by the Army and Navy, prepared a 16-page booklet, Practical Principles Governing the Production and Utilization of Sound Motion Pictures (Hoban & vanOrmer, 1950) that summarizes the longer succinct version. The booklet again is handsomely designed in an 8 1/2by-ll inch format with a professionally lettered buffcover with a brown binding. On the final page of the booklet the authors conclude: Four conclusions which apply to motion pictures in training, orientation, and information clearly emerge from the review of film research:
Additional research, conducted during WWII, explored the effectiveness of other audiovisual modes of instruction as well as the appropriate environment for the presentation of instructional materials. 1.10.4 A Pre- and Postwsr VoiceThe difference in voice, namely, form of address, tone, and language use, may be compared in two similar pre- and postwar projects by the same author. In 1937, Charles Hoban, Jr., contributed "Part Three" and "Part Five" to Motion Pictures in Education, A Sumtnary of the Literature (Dale et al., 1937). "Part Five" was a 54-page summary of "Experimental Research in Instructional Fllms'' and recounted the film experiments conducted to date. In 1937, Hoban reports the findings of the Knowlton and Tilton studies in the following manner:
The point of comparing the more general description with the precise, scientific version is not to cast aspersions on either. In fact, readers wishing to replicate Knowlton and Tilton will benefit from the second exposition. But it is important to note the evolution of this scientific language. With Knowleton and Irlton (1929), Freeman (1924), Rulon (1933), and Devereux (1933), practices of laboratory experimentation were introduced to the audiovisual field, and they applied these practices with state-of-the-art competency. These practices were refined, however, with the war research and, at that moment, permanently inscribed in the dominant discourse of the field. We do not suggest here that the child-centered theories of learning would have suited adult recruits in the Armed Forces, but the reverse did occur. The audiovisual discourse established in WWII training and research was applied to children in their classrooms. As we listen to Hoban's voice before and after the war, we can identify specific concepts that the moresophisticated application of true experimental designs in the military contributed to the field. In "Part Five" (Dale et al., 1937, pp. 307-61), Hoban rarely uses the word experiment but favors the phrases experimental research or experimental study or experimental attack. With the use of the adjective instead of the noun, Hoban implies these studies are not experiments but similar to experiments. In fact, he tips his hand on this topic when he notes, "In educational research, this law (holding one variable constant) is a principle to be approximated, not a condition readily obtained" (Dale et al., 1937, p. 315). The term experiment is used liberally in the Army, Navy Report (Hoban & vanOrme, 1950, l-l-C-I) with no caveats; it has been sanctioned. In writing a section of the 1937 text (Dale et al.), Hoban lists the "Criteria for Evaluation of Experimental Research in General." They are:
Yet, as Hoban (Hoban & vanOrmer, 1950. 1-1-C-1) evaluates research after WWII, his headings for reporting all studies are Experimental Design, Findings, and Evaluation. Some entire expositions under the "Evaluation" heading follow:
A number of things occur in these quotes which clearly indicate the tacit formation of a professional discourse that will control entry into the field. It will constitute a style to be taught by professor to student. This rhetoric, complex with cumbersome sentence structure, yet with precise adjectives and nouns, is a laboratory style not seen to this extent in audiovisual discourse before this time. Was there a necessity for this voice? One might answer Yes when considering the culture of the academy, especially that of educational psychology departments. Founders were, after all, establishing academic turf. We speculate that writers hoped the "scientific" style would clarify the communication, or deliver a more accurate message. We note that it did reach for accuracy, yet in their haste for a professional style, Hoban and vanOrmer (and other authors) became sloppy epistomologists. They use the term theory, twice above, to designate a thesis. Hoban did not make such a mistake before the war, and the rich notion of theory becomes reduced to thesis or further reduced to hypothesis. In the Ash evaluation above, the phrases rate of development and content density, introduced for the first time at the end of this report, tend to obfuscate rather than clarify the evaluation. Their meanings are private. 1.10.5 Military Manuals in the Schools: Postwar CurriculumIn the late 40s and early 50s, Army and Navy training manuals such as Photography, Vol. 1 and Photography, Vol. 2 (Bureau of Naval Personnel, 1952) became quite popular in vocational and technical schools. This was, after all, the period of the life adjustment curriculum, and by 1949 more students were studying health, music, and art than any other fields. More than half the subjects in the public high school curriculum were in the fields of social studies, vocational education, home economics, and agriculture (Perkinson, 1968). There was a new emphasis on aviation in the curriculum which led to the founding of schools such as New York High School of Aviation Trades. Thousand of manuals were prepared by the Armed Services, either by their own personnel or by civilian subcontractors, sometimes at universities. The United States Armed Forces Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was one such subcontractor (Kliebard? 1993). No author's name appears on these manuals, which were wrinen in the formulaic stepwise fashion of military rhetoric. By 1952, the photography volumes were in their fourth printing, along with thousands of other training manuals. Although "how to" manuals existed in trade schools prior to WWII, it can be said that the military perfected this genre for vocational and technical education. Undoubtedly, these manuals influenced the structure of later instructional development texts. Although it was necessary during wartime to motivate men to fight, even a photography manual urged postwar students to arms:
Learning a topic for war or armament was a patriotic value that slipped into the public school curriculum in the 50s, not only in trade schools like Aviation Trades High School but also in the general teaching of mathematics and science. This value was reinforced by the passage of the National Defense Education Act (Becker, 1987). These training manuals were replete cookbook-like texts designed for self-study. Because of the premise, however, that recruits were not smart, the tone of these texts was often patronizing:
On these pages of the photography volume and on many other pages, the author has employed what later became known as instructional design elements (Gagne & Allen). The unknown author uses questions to gain and/or maintain atention, and positive feedback is provided much as it is in programmed instruction. The rhetoric of military training combined with that of operant conditioning entered the discursive audiovisual space during World War II and after. The mechanistic language of instructional materials distributed the effects of this combined discourse in classroom textbooks, programmed materials, and instructional media. 1.10.6 Postwar ScholarshipResearch in the military and on university campuses became inextricably conflated after WWII and remains that way today. James Brown notes that "the universities then [during wartime] as now (1970s) were playing an important role in the whole armed forces program" (Brown, n.d.). Two representative military/university research studies to be published in the 50s were Motion Pictures as a Medium of Instruction (Fearing, 1950; see Fig. 1-14) and Instructional Television Research Reports (Twyford & Seitz,1956). Both texts have some notable similarities; the studies are tightly controlled and true experiments, and the reports stress the statistical and experimental nature of this enterprise. This research appears to be more and more like that conducted in a psychology laboratory. The word subject indicating a study participant appears for the first time in our reading of audiovisual research. Fearing (1950), in fact, uses subject to indicate participant and elsewhere to indicate topic to be studied Twyford and Seitz (1956) do not; for topic to be studied they use the word lesson. Neither text uses the word audiovisual; Fearing (1950) uses the words film, motion picture, and medium, but shies away from audiovisual, as do Twyford and Seitz (1956). They use the words television, telecasts, moving pictures, and kinescopes. These three authors were professionally located outside of colleges of education: Fearing in social science and Twyford and Seitz in psychology. We see a tendency here, and in other 50s texts, for some scholars to distance themselves from the prewar audiovisual research and to attach themselves to the ''official,'' rigorous, and mechanistic research of the Armed Forces. Fearing, who finished his research in 1944, sounds, what we find, to be the last warning in this period about the borrowing of experimental design:
But after that caveat, he proceeds to ignore the limitations and interpret the results of his studies, as if they could measure the impact of films on viewers. Twyford and Seitz, psychologists, do not discuss these limitations, and, gradually, we observe the erasure in the literature of the flaws of the experimental model. It becomes inscribed in the discourse as the appropriate model; it has been made official by military research. It may be said that the before-and-after design, using film as a stimulus, which was developed by Peterson and Thurstone (1933) for their part of the Payne Studies, grew into the true experimental design that still resides at the heart of educational technology research. The manner in which this model became inscribed is rhetorical and similar to the way the discourse on behavioral learning theory developed. Early in the century, when someone asked Watson how he would account for emotions within his stimulus-response model, he replied that emotions were distal variables that he and other behaviorists would address later, but, currently, he wished to study molar variables. Well, the distal variables fell out of the discourse and were never considered (or considered by a few as drives) when behaviorism dominated psychology (Becker, 1977). The emphasis on experimentation can be seen in the contents of the Fearing (1950) book. The Twyford and Seitz
(1956) military technical report is bound in the same official-looking
black-and-gold format as described before and makes good use of charts
and diagrams. The variables studied tend to be similar to those employed
in WWII film research, i.e., retention of learning, effectiveness, novelty,
and screen size. It was strange that this particular set of instructional
television findings were ignored by the initiators of instructional television
in the 50s and 60s (Becker, 1987). These reports, which were sponsored
by the Human Engineering Department of the U.S. Naval Training Device
Center but conducted in the Psychology Department at Fordham University,
have an early application of the flowchart in the audiovisual field. Seitz
was head of the Navy's Human Engineering Department, which may have appropriated
concepts such as flow diagrams from the Navy's work on programmed machine
language in the mid40s (see Fig. 1-15). And the human engineering field
was the area in which the systems concept was established (Encyclopedia
of Computers, Science and Technology, Vol. 7, p. 429). 1.10.7 See and HearThe audiovisual contingent returning from war duty organized an important journal, See and Hear. Although there had been journals in visual education before See and Hear, they had not been established by a group of educational technology founders. Walter Whittich recalls it's begimungs:
This journal represented an effort to get media formally adopted in the classroom. Audiences included not only teachers and librarians but school administrators and legislators as well. In the statement of purpose of Vol. 1, No. 1, the editors, Walter Wittich, C. 1. Anderson, and John Guy Fowlkes say:
Figure 1-14. Table
of contents from Motion Pictures as a Medium of Instruction: An Experimental
Analysis of the
These are the purposes
of See and Hear (Wlttich, Anderson, Fawlkes, See and Hear, Vol. I, No.
1). These founders were attempting to move the audiovisual field from
the periphery in classrooms to the center by establishing formal
links with funders,
i.e., legislators private sector funders. Even at the classroom level,
the area-to become professional-had to have alliances with government
and business. McClusky: While See and Hear was growing, there
was a flurry of scholarly audiovisual activity. An AV pioneer, who had
been writing since the 20s, published a helpful bibliography for the field
in 1950, with a second edition in 1955 (McClusky, The A-V Bibliography,
1955). See Figure 1-16. The size and style of the book is similar to the
military reports of media research released during and after WWII. An
8 1/2by- 11 -inch format is covered in gray with maroon lettering; the
book looks official. In the second edition, a condensed table of contents
with graphics appears before the full table of contents. 1.10.8 The Nebraska StudyIn 1952, Wes Meierhenry published the final report on the "Nebraska Program of Educational Enrichment Through the Use of Motion Pictures" (Meierhenry, 1952). This had been a Carnegiefunded study and one of the first large, major educational media studies funded by private-sector money. It foreshadows the multimillion-dollar investment of the Ford Foundation just a few years later. (The Ford Foundation attempted to jump-start the diffusion of instructional television in public school classrooms.) The Nebraska statewide effort to introduce film in the public schools was based on the following premise:
We conclude that tacit theoretical assumptions underpinning the Nebraska experiments are behavioral. Project members conducted state-ofthe-art educational research in Nebraska public schools over a period of several years. Five of the book's chapters (V, VI, VII, VIII, and XIII) are based on doctoral dissertations conducted under the auspices of this project (see Fig. 1-18). Those aspects of students' learning from film are evident in the subheads of one of those chapters, "Motion Pictures Enrich Learning," based on Guy Scott's doctoral dissertation (Meierhenry, 1952, pp. 5571). They are:
On the 16 pages of the chapter, there are 11 tables, lmost one per page, and the chapter concludes with these zaragraphs:
The tacit assumption here is that variables can be isolated and controlled, and that careful measurement can locate cognitive gains in students. According to app}opriate guidelines for the conduct of research at that time, there was no discussion of the students who were subjects in the studies. Even in the chapter "Motion Pictures Modify Beliefs," in which dissertator Jack Peterson quantifies student response (Meierhenry, 1952, pp. 88-134), there is no heading for students. The headings do include:
This action of ignoring the students does not reflect on the doctoral candidates in the project, or their major professors. They were, in fact, following rigorous methods for the conduct of scientific study, but the influence of the social efficiency movement and its concomitant learning and measurement theories
are, by now, firmly inscribed in the dominant discourse running through
educational technology, and it is, unfortunately, a narrow discourse.
(There is not much use of the word subject, which is actually an interchangeable
part, to indicate students here. Most often the authors use the terms,
experimental or control groups and the word student.)
This is an interesting statement, because the author cites a list of child-centered educators, in fact the very educators cited by many AV writers in the 40s. But, in the second paragraph, he switches back to the black-box theory of stimuli power to change behavior. It is as if his desire to help teachers and children breaks through the reductive epistemology that shackles the field at this moment in time. 1.10.9 Applied Texts in the 1950sIn the 50s, there
was a new interest in the publication of audiovisual texts for the study
of the field and the application of media in classrooms. Three of the
texts had a wide distribution and are of interest to us here: A-V Instruction,
Materials and Methods, Audio-Visual Materials and Techniques, and Audio-Visual
Materials: Their Nature and Use. It is interesting to note that the field
was officially still termed audiovisual, even though the war researchers
were shying away from that title in their research publications. The paradox,
however, was that most of these 50s education textbooks were authored
by men who had participated, in or out of the services, in the writing
of military training manuals. But for the first time, these books offered
education professors and teachers in training a choice in selecting textbooks.
Obviously, the market for these books in colleges of education existed,
because major publishers, such
as McGraw-Hill and Harper and Brothers joined the enterprise.
Schuller also talks about how the first edition of AudioVsual Materials; Their Nature and Use came about:
Today, educational technology practitioners are often so focused on the details of academic life that the necessary political work on behalf of students and machines is accomplished by amateurs outside the field. That was not the case in the early years. ponsider the work that I. Keith Tyler and the Institute for Education by Radio and Television (IERT) did to get public television channels reserved for education:
The FCC had put a freeze on the development of new television stations in 1948, until research about their positioning and operations could be assembled and presented to the commissioners. Originally, it was a 1-year freeze that was extended until 1952. Tyler and others mounted a case for the reserving of television stations for the exclusive use of education. It is an important moment, because it was the start of public television. His story is colorful:
Tyler relates that Hennock directed him to make a formal effort for the official FCC hearings on the allotment of channels in the fall of 1952. He chaired the effort, and Hennock recommended that his educational group be represented by an attorney:
Taylor agreed, and they went about the business of assembling witnesses.
1.10.10 And They Were SuccessfulThere remains a tendency today to say "Well, things are so complicated, we (educational technology scholars) could have little or no influence on the national scene." And the national scene, with the proliferation of computers in the classroom and the threat from the private sector of proprietary schools, needs our input. In the 60s and 70s, many scholars were trained with monies from the National Defense Education Act, and there was an expectation that this funding would continue. Even though it did not, the field became entrenched in the academy, and there was less need for scholars to be political in the manner of the founders. As we nodded, we became shut out of national educational technology politics. One interpretation of this situation could be that only early innovators are politically effective. Another, although not separate, is that some aspects of national politics were anathema to the securing of tenure. The rhetoric of the founders and those who follow indicate that the basis of this field will always be hardware, with its concomitant marketplace and governmental interests. If we turn away from this, our voices will remain within the academy. We will be talking to ourselves. Whatever tempering influence we could have will be lost. Our founders presented us with a good model of action. |
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