Outstanding Student Practice of Educational Technology in an International Setting
The Outstanding Practice by a Student Award recognizes an undergraduate/graduate student in the field of Educational Communications and Technology who is heavily involved or has made substantial contributions in a project or a professional practice, in an international setting (outside the US). Accompanying the nomination letter, a brief but concise description of the nature of the project/practice and the student’s involvement in the project/practice should be clearly described.
- Must be an AECT member at the time of receiving the award;
- Candidate has played a major role in the project/practice if a group is involved;
- Candidate must currently be a student or was a student within a calendar year;
Review Criteria:
- Concise description of project/practice and, if available, access to the artifact, i.e.website, picture of the product;
- Description of the student’s involvement and/or role in the project/practice.
The International Division Award Committee will review nominations and select a recipient.
Nomination Procedures:
No self nomination. To prepare for a nomination, click the online nomination link listed here and below.
The principal nominator should complete the Nomination Information column in the electronic form and provide information about him/herself as the first required reference. In addition, the principal nominator needs to provide information about a second required reference including at least a full name and an email address. AECT will send an email invitation to the references for a letter of support.
Nomination Form: Click Here to Submit a Nomination.
Nature of Award: A plaque of achievement
Presented during the awards ceremony at International Division Dinner
Funding And Support:
International Division
Nominations due by:
June 1, 2023
Award Management on behalf of AECT:
International Division
Contact :
Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler, International Division Past President, international@aect.org