Outstanding Publication Award: Social Media
The CLT Outstanding Publication Award - Social Media is given for outstanding published social media relevant to the field of culture, learning, and technology. Nominations must have been published online and a copyright date within the last three years. The media post would be categorized as blogs, podcasts, videos, infographics.
Review Criteria:
The social media submissions will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
· Completeness of the information requested. 10%
· Topic is interesting and relevant to CLT. 25%
· Quality of the content. 25%
· Anticipated impact or usefulness of the content to the field. 25%
· Presentation Style: Quality of presentation style in terms of accuracy, clarity, and organization of the social media. 15%
Nomination Procedures:
· Nominations will be by email. Self-nominations are welcome.
· A short statement providing your rationale for the nomination should be included.
· A complete bibliographic citation for the nominated social media should be included in the letter.
· A current email address for the nominee should be included in the letter.
Send the link or PDF electronic copy of the social media to Tugce Aldemir, CLT VP of Awards at tugce.aldemir@uconn.edu. Submissions that do not conform to these guidelines will not be considered
Nominations due by:
June 1, 2023
Award Management on behalf of AECT:
Culture, Learning and Technology Division
Contact :
Tugce Aldemir, CLT VP of Awards, tugcealdemir@gmail.com