Distinguished Service Award
for Distinguished International Service In Educational Communications and Technology
The Distinguished Service Award (DSA), our highest award, recognizes a member for leadership, dedication and service to the profession in the international arena. In addition, the award recognizes this person’s participation in the International Division and contributions to AECT at large.
- A record of outstanding service to the profession in an international arena for at least ten years;
- Continuous outstanding service and devotion to the community of educational communications and technology for professionals and students;
- Service in International Division at multiple levels;
- Candidate is current member of International Division and has been member of International Division for at least three years;
Review Criteria:
- A letter of nomination by one International Division member;
- A letter of support from at least one additional AECT member;
- Candidate’s Portfolio/CV link or upload.
The International Division Award Committee will review nominations and select a recipient.
Nomination Procedures:
No self nomination. To prepare for a nomination, click the online nomination link listed here and below. From there, please briefly describe the nominee’s service in the International Division and AECT. Please briefly describe the candidate’s service in the International Division and AECT. Please provide the candidate’s service in the profession in an international setting (past and current).
The principal nominator should complete the Nomination Information column in the electronic form and provide information about him/herself as the first required reference. The principal nominator needs to provide the information about the second required reference including at least the full name and an email address. AECT will send an email invitation to the references for a letter of support.
Nomination Form: Click Here to Submit a Nomination.
Nature of Award: A plaque of achievement
Presented at International Division Dinner & Awards Ceremony.
Funding And Support:
International Division
Nominations due by:
June 1, 2023
Award Management on behalf of AECT:
International Division
Contact :
Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler, International Division Past President, international@aect.org