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AECT, ECT, and

Divisional Awards

ETR&D Young Scholar Award 

This  award recognizes the best paper discussing a theoretical construct that could guide research and/or development in educational technology.

An individual who does not hold a doctorate degree, or who received a doctorate not more than five (5) years prior to May 31, 2023. Co-authorship is acceptable provided that the Young Scholar applicant is the primary author.

The paper must be an original unpublished work dealing with research and theory in educational technology. It must deal with a theoretical construct, analyses of related research, and original recommendations for future research and/or development. The paper may not be a report of a specific research study or development project. It must be 20-30 pages long, excluding references, and must conform to the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.

The selection of the winning paper will be the responsibility of the editor and editorial board of the Research Section of ETR&D. Only a submission judged worthy of the award will win. An award will not be made if none of the entries are deemed meritorious.

Nature of Award:
$500 will be presented to the winner during the AECT National Convention in 2023. The winner will also receive the opportunity to present the paper at AECT the following year (2024). Additionally, the winning paper will be published in Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D), the refereed scholarly research journal published by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).

Funding and Support:
The award is supported by Springer Publishing.

Send entry submissions via email attachment no later than May 31, 2023.

Submit an electronic attachment of the manuscript to:

    Dr. Tristan Johnson at e-mail address:
    ETR&D Research Editor
    Northeastern University


Association for Educational Communications and Technology

320 W. 8th st. Ste 101
Bloomington, IN • 47404-3745
