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Research & Theory
Graduate Student Member-at-Large:

Hunhui Na

Florida State University

I am a Ph.D. student in the Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies (ISLT) program at Florida State University. I earned my master’s degree in elementary mathematics education and a bachelor's degree in computer science education from Seoul National University of Education in Seoul, Korea.

Self-directed learning on social media is one of my research interests. Focused on early career teachers, I investigate how and why early career teachers (including pre-service teachers) participate in online communities for their self-directed professional learning. I am also interested in exploring how students develop computational thinking skills online (e.g., Scratch) and how interactions among online users affect the development of their computational thinking skills. Designing immersive learning environments for STEM+CS education is also my research interest. Specifically, I am interested in designing AR/VR learning experiences for mathematics and computer science, and understanding teachers’ role in integrating immersive technology in classroom contexts.

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