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Culture, Learning and Technology
VP Awards:

Tugce Aldemir

Pennsylvania State University

I am Tugce Aldemir – a Ph.D. candidate in the Learning, Design, and Technology Program at the Pennsylvania State University. Having earned my B.S and M.S., I have been working in this field for more than 12 years. My dissertation focuses on designing for collaborative competence, socio-emotional regulation, and cultural competence, within politically charged discussions in a computer-supported collaborative learning context.

I have been an active member of the AECT for six years, and served the organization in different capacities. I served as the D&D GSA Representative, and along with two board members, I initiated the D&D Reads project. I organized the second edition of the ‘D&D Reads’ events on the topic of Virtual Reality for Immersive Learning. In 2017, I had the honor of being selected as one of the Cochran Interns for the AECT Leadership Development Internship Program. In 2018, I served as the President of the Graduate Student Assembly, and the GSA Board Representative. During my presidency, I initiated multiple projects and established several different sub-committees within the GSA. I co-planned the AECT GSA convention program and co-organized several GSA webinars at the 2018 AECT Convention.  I served as the DDL Communication Officer between 2018-2020.

In 2018, I was honored with the CLT McJulien Graduate Student Scholarship Award, and since then, I have been serving as the CLT VP of Finance & Development. All the guidance and mentorship the CLT family provided have been life-changing for me. Thus, I am dedicated to contributing to the community to the best of my ability. My experiences as an international student and a scholar of social justice and equity could offer alternative approaches to outreaching to and including diverse voices into our discussions around culture, learning, and technology. Channeling our resources towards this goal informs my agenda for the position.

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Bloomington, IN 47404-3745
Toll Free: 877-677-2328
Phone: 812-335-7675
Email: aect@aect.org