Culture, Learning and Technology
VP of Membership

Penn State University

Rebecca Y. Bayeck is a Ph.D candidate at the Pennsylvania State University, Department of Learning Performance Systems in the College of Education. She is pursuing a dual degree in Learning Design and Technology and Comparative International Education Programs. She has been involved with AECT in many capacities: she has been a volunteer since her first conference, and served as a session facilitator. Her first experience with AECT also led Rebecca to candidate and serve as graduate student representative on the Culture Learning and Technology (CLT) Division board. Being the liaison between CLT Division and the Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) has allowed her to network with faculty and students, providing her with the opportunity to be able to speak to and talk about CLT mission and vision to different audiences (students as well as faculty). Her involvement with AECT has prepared and given her the skills needed to step into the role of Vice-President of Membership.

Address: 320 W. 8th Street, Suite 101
Bloomington, IN 47404-3745
Toll Free: 877-677-2328
Phone: 812-335-7675